reviews and criticism about Marco Frascari's work
Lectures and Publications about Marco Frascari
2023 Da Mantova a Verona, dagli Stati Uniti al Canada by Alba Dii Lieto p. 80-82
Il Dettaglio che Rivela una Storia by Federica Goffi p. 83-87
in Architetti Verona A 134 #03
June 23 2023 The Architect's Craft [Il Mestiere dell'Architetto] lecture delivered by Federica Goffi in the
MANTOVARCHITETTURA Lecture Series, Casa del Mantegna, Mantua, Italy
Goffi discussed the legacy of Marco Frascari deepening his vision of architectural design intertwined with
issues of drawing and representation.
Video contributions
The Villa Rosa, Angels and Angles, by Sam Ridgway. Published on February 29, 2016. This short video is based on Chapter Six of Sam Ridgway’s book Architectural Projects of Marco Frascari: The Pleasure of a Demonstration.
Confabulations, the movie, by Donald Kunze. Published on April 22, 2014.
Book reviews
Book review by Gray Read - JAE Vol. 67, No. 2, October 2013 - Eleven Exercises in the Art of Architectural Drawing: Slow Food for the Architect's Imagination
Book review by Norman Weinstein September 23, 2011- Eleven Exercises in the Art of Architectural Drawing
2007 “The Tell-Tale drawing: interview with Marco Frascari by G. Martin Moeller,” blueprints, National Building
Museum, Summer XXV,3.
2005 Constructing tales: Sam Ridgway interviews Marco Frascari, Architectural Theory Review, 2005; 10 (2)
2004 Event | ArchitectureAU Maryam Gusheh reviews two symposiums at the Adelaide Festival, which used the work of keynote speaker Marco Frascari to canvas a range of issues. The Grimoire of Architecture Symposium, was organized and hosted by the University of South Australia.
2000 Daniel Willis, The Emerald City, Princeton Architectural Press, pp.233-236
1994 Examination of my architectural theory-position in The Theory of Architecture, by Paul-Alan Johnson, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, pp. 354-6 & 381-9
1993 Review "The Monsters of Architecture" by Diana Bitz, in New Vico Studies
1993 Review of The Monsters of Architecture by E. Winters, Philosophical Quarterly, 43, April pp. 251-253 1993 Review of The Monsters of Architecture by Bruno Pedretti, Casabella, April p.30-31
1993 Review of The Monsters of Architecture by Maddalena Mazzocut Miss in Spazio and Societa, January
1992 Review of The Monsters of Architecture by Alberto Perez Gomez, Journal of Architectural Education, Spring
1989 “Reminiscences” by Guido Pietropoli, in the catalogue prepared for the Exhibition at the Technorama
1989 “1+1=11,” by David Leatherbarrow, in the catalogue prepared for the Exhibition at the Technorama
1987 “Dorm Deluxe” by Ellen Kaye, The Philadelphia Inquirer Magazine, April 19
1986 “Giano L’Architetto,” by Patrizia Prando, Resto del Carlino, Jul 7
1984 “Identificazione di un Architetto,” by Pasquale Lovero, in Materiali n.9, Quaderni della Galleria Einaudi
1984 “Teatri e Labirinti tra Teckne e Logos,” by Frediano Sessi, in Quadrante Padano, V, 4
1984 “Una suggestiva proposta: realizzare il teatro labirinto sulle acque del Lago Inferiore,” Gazzetta di Mantova, 8 sept.
1974 “Editoriale” by Bruno Zevi, Espresso 3-17-74